The super singer was an Indian Tamil language television singing reality show. The sixth season of the singing television reality show was aired on the Star...
Gunal,Mirlani,Harsha,Drishya,Lehasri,Anushya,Suriya Anand,Nikhil,Anand Bairavsharma,Aishwarya,Teju,Ahana,Srinivas,Rithik,Gokila Priya,Vishalini, Dhanush,Dharshini,Vidhyarupini and Poovaiya (Guppies) are the Super Singer Junior Season 6 Top 20 Singer Contestants. Vote your Favorite contestants here Super singer Junior
The super singer was an Indian Tamil language television singing reality show. The sixth season of the singing television reality show was aired on the Star...